common goal movement
agōturf has taken the pledge to give back to the common goal movement with the hope of spreading the love of the beautiful game, and promoting a culture of positivity, inclusion, and gratitude.
the common goal movement is an organization that connects the professional game to countless football organizations around the world that support their local communities, in order to band together as a team and address some of the world's larger problems.
common goal's members take a pledge to donate 1% of their yearly earnings to common goal, where it is then distributed to other football related organizations that are addressing problems associated with the united nation's global goals.
click here to learn more about the common goal movement, and to learn how you can take the pledge.
common goal's members take a pledge to donate 1% of their yearly earnings to common goal, where it is then distributed to other football related organizations that are addressing problems associated with the united nation's global goals.
click here to learn more about the common goal movement, and to learn how you can take the pledge.